Maybe their cousins are visiting, or that kid from down the street, but you know something's up. The laughing and giggling stops with whispers and doors closing. The tablet is missing and you try to resist breaking up their party. But your fear that the fun is somehow inappropriate drives you to intrude and once again initiate conflict.
As good parents we must supervise and protect our children. If only there was a way to know what they are doing with the Internet without them feeling you standing over their shoulder. We don't want to undermine that hard won trust they have in us. After all, our kids are actually pretty great and more often than not just having innocent fun. And every time we become the authoritarian they learn to trust us less.
Here's where Kindera helps: remote supervision of the Internet. As a parent you can see what sites they visit by looking at your smartphone. Also, Kindera will enforce content ratings for you automatically so you can rest easy knowing the worst of the Internet will never enter your home.
One simple glance at your smartphone and you know exactly the reason for their silence.
If there's one single benefit of Kindera that outshines all others, it's the super human ability it grants you to monitor where your kids go on the Internet.
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